
Our Programmes


Hamaraa Mission Dignity (HMD) help people who cannot even afford the basic requirements of living. As poor people do not have shelter to live, food to eat, and clothes to wear. They have barely the vitals are fighting each day for life.They fail to meet the basic requirements and have barely enough to survive.Poor people do not have enough clothing, food, education and health-care. Being poor means deprived economically, politically and socially. They hardly get opportunities. They have inadequate nutrition, higher risk of diseases and lack access to health- care and basic essentials for living resulting in low achievement.

Our Programs for poor people are :- Imparting knowledge can help the poor and needy to stand on their feet. Education is the beginning of getting out from hardships of life. Giving free education to the poor and needy people help them to grow as individuals and help them lead a better life. Education can help them to get a job, be employed build career and achieve success, capability of handling problems and lead a successful life. The poor and needy people can become independent, self- sufficient and better human being through the power of education. Through education, we can help the poor and needy people to develop their skills so that they can take over efforts to revitalize their life rather than always depending on the outsiders to do so for them.

Other Progames of HMD :-Fund Raising, Donate Groceries and Eatables.Donating groceries can help end the hunger of poor and needy people.By conducting collection drives for food, clothes, books, blankets and other necessities one can help the poor and needy people,Groups can be formed that can help the needy, buy them a meal, give them a ride to shelter and other necessary assistance. Volunteers can help and teach them. These volunteers can help in arranging free health camps, doctors can be invited to treat the poor and needy people.Even the smallest efforts count. In order to help the poor and needy, one can donate the old stuff from old clothes to appliances, furniture and other materials. Rummage through your belongings and give them away to the needy. Delving through old stuff and donating does help the poor people and makes a difference to those who needs such stuff. Donating clothes especially in winter season when the weather is too cold is of great help to the poor and needy people. Unneeded stuff can be donated to brighten someone else day.

We cannot make such people opulent but can at least help them achieve the essentials of life and lead a prosperous life. Our program is to help the poor and needy people which is a good deed. Caring for the poor and needy people and helping them is a noble endeavor. The more we give to poor and needy people, the more we strengthen their dependency. If we give them the chance or opportunity, we’ll see an effective and long-lasting improvement in their lives. Hamaraa Mission Dignity (HMD) create a new system built on inter-dependency which motivates them to work and move forward and their dignity is maintained. Tossing out money or other kinds of donation do help the poor and needy people but the need is to direct our energies and efforts in raising them, building relationship, teaching them and moreover, regaining their self-confidence and self-esteem to work for themselves.

Change the perspective. Instead of considering them as a project to help, view them as people to love and respect. Giving them moral support, showing heartfelt humility and respect makes them aware that someone really does care about them and trying to improve their condition. By providing them with the opportunities to improve their condition on their own would increase their self-esteem and help them in overcoming barriers they face everyday. Work with the poor and needy people and help them discover their own capabilities and capacity and putting them to use at the right place at the right time. Support them and let them know that they have something of value which can be used for meeting their basic requirements.