Rajiv Goyal [Treasurer]

Rajiv Goyal has an origin from Haryana (Kaithal Distt.) He has completed his degree of Bachelor of Arts from Kurukshetre University, Haryana state .
Today, he is a successful businessman and settled in Delhi now. He is trading and exporting the business of rice and paddy in India and abroad .
He works as a social activist too and organising the events for promoting unprivileged class. He is working towards the upliftment of minor people. He has achieved President award in scouting from Haryana state. Since last 2 decades, he had been engaging himself to the social work under scouting. He received and awarded with so many certificates and prizes like NCC Award , Rover-Ranger Samagam Award.

  • National Adventure Programme of 10 days in Pachmari- M.P.
  • Rover-Test cum community camp in Tara Devi.
  • 'Award of appreaction' from Kaithal District
  • Participated in:-
  • 30th National integration camp,Chandigarh in 1887.
  • Real Focus on Customer Satisfaction
  • Youth Leadership Course in Phalghat - Kerela state .
  • Haryana state Bharat Scouts and Guiders Rally in Ambala in 1985.
  • Attended special Proficiency Badge camp in Tara Devi (1987 and 1988)
  • Attended as a member of Haryana Contigent in 12th National Jamboree Phalgat - Kerala.
  • Attended 'National Youth Week Celebration' in 1989 from Haryana.